OOL - translation to russian
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OOL - translation to russian

OOL (disambiguation)

  • acetyl-CoA synthase]] enzyme, part of the [[acetyl-CoA]] pathway, contains nickel-iron-sulfur clusters.
  • [[ATP synthase]] uses the chemiosmotic proton gradient to power ATP synthesis through [[oxidative phosphorylation]].
  • formation of the Earth]] 4.54 Gya.<ref name="NAT-20170301"/>
  • Chemiosmotic]] coupling in the membranes of a [[mitochondrion]]
  • RNA replicase]].
  • The Breslow catalytic cycle for formaldehyde dimerization and C2-C6 sugar formation
  • asymmetric]], and occur in living systems in only one of the two possible forms, in the case of [[amino acid]]s the left-handed form. Prebiotic chemistry would produce both forms, creating a puzzle for abiogenesis researchers.<ref name="Plasson2007"/>
  • Early cell powered by external proton gradient near a deep-sea hydrothermal vent. As long as the membrane (or passive ion channels within it) is permeable to protons, the mechanism can function without ion pumps.<ref name="Lane 2015"/>
  • inheritance]].<ref name="NASA strategy 2015"/>
  • The [[Cat's Paw Nebula]] is inside the [[Milky Way Galaxy]], in the [[constellation]] [[Scorpius]].<br/>Green areas show regions where radiation from hot stars collided with large molecules and small dust grains called "[[polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon]]s" (PAHs), causing them to [[fluoresce]]. [[Spitzer Space Telescope]], 2018
  • The three main structures composed of [[phospholipid]]s form spontaneously by [[self-assembly]] in solution: the [[liposome]] (a closed bilayer), the [[micelle]] and the bilayer.
Origin of life; Origin of Life; Primordial sea; Origins of life; Biopoiesis; Biopoesis; How Life Began; The origin of life; Primordial cell; Life origin; Life origins; Generatio spontanea; Primeval soup; Dawn of life; Primitive soup; Origin of life (science); Abiogensis; Cradle of life; Abiogenisis; The begining of life; The beginning of life; Probiotic soup; Prebiotic evolution; Prebiotic chemistry; The Origins of Life; Beginning of life; On the origin of life; Origins-of-life research; Precellular evolution; Prebiotic (chemistry); Early Earth Chemistry; Lipid world; Abiogenesis and Biogenesis; Abiotic genesis; Haldane-Oparin hypothesis; Origin of life on Earth; Life's origins; Development of life; Origins of Life; Ambiogenesis; OoL; The origins of life; The origin of life on Earth; Pre-biotic chemistry; OriginOfLife; Origin of the Life on Earth; Origin Of Life; Terrestrial abiogenesis; Prebiotic molecules

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(Out Of Limits) выход за [указанные] пределы

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object-oriented language

precellular evolution         
  • acetyl-CoA synthase]] enzyme, part of the [[acetyl-CoA]] pathway, contains nickel-iron-sulfur clusters.
  • [[ATP synthase]] uses the chemiosmotic proton gradient to power ATP synthesis through [[oxidative phosphorylation]].
  • formation of the Earth]] 4.54 Gya.<ref name="NAT-20170301"/>
  • Chemiosmotic]] coupling in the membranes of a [[mitochondrion]]
  • RNA replicase]].
  • The Breslow catalytic cycle for formaldehyde dimerization and C2-C6 sugar formation
  • asymmetric]], and occur in living systems in only one of the two possible forms, in the case of [[amino acid]]s the left-handed form. Prebiotic chemistry would produce both forms, creating a puzzle for abiogenesis researchers.<ref name="Plasson2007"/>
  • Early cell powered by external proton gradient near a deep-sea hydrothermal vent. As long as the membrane (or passive ion channels within it) is permeable to protons, the mechanism can function without ion pumps.<ref name="Lane 2015"/>
  • inheritance]].<ref name="NASA strategy 2015"/>
  • The [[Cat's Paw Nebula]] is inside the [[Milky Way Galaxy]], in the [[constellation]] [[Scorpius]].<br/>Green areas show regions where radiation from hot stars collided with large molecules and small dust grains called "[[polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon]]s" (PAHs), causing them to [[fluoresce]]. [[Spitzer Space Telescope]], 2018
  • The three main structures composed of [[phospholipid]]s form spontaneously by [[self-assembly]] in solution: the [[liposome]] (a closed bilayer), the [[micelle]] and the bilayer.
Origin of life; Origin of Life; Primordial sea; Origins of life; Biopoiesis; Biopoesis; How Life Began; The origin of life; Primordial cell; Life origin; Life origins; Generatio spontanea; Primeval soup; Dawn of life; Primitive soup; Origin of life (science); Abiogensis; Cradle of life; Abiogenisis; The begining of life; The beginning of life; Probiotic soup; Prebiotic evolution; Prebiotic chemistry; The Origins of Life; Beginning of life; On the origin of life; Origins-of-life research; Precellular evolution; Prebiotic (chemistry); Early Earth Chemistry; Lipid world; Abiogenesis and Biogenesis; Abiotic genesis; Haldane-Oparin hypothesis; Origin of life on Earth; Life's origins; Development of life; Origins of Life; Ambiogenesis; OoL; The origins of life; The origin of life on Earth; Pre-biotic chemistry; OriginOfLife; Origin of the Life on Earth; Origin Of Life; Terrestrial abiogenesis; Prebiotic molecules

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доклеточная эволюция

origin of life         
  • acetyl-CoA synthase]] enzyme, part of the [[acetyl-CoA]] pathway, contains nickel-iron-sulfur clusters.
  • [[ATP synthase]] uses the chemiosmotic proton gradient to power ATP synthesis through [[oxidative phosphorylation]].
  • formation of the Earth]] 4.54 Gya.<ref name="NAT-20170301"/>
  • Chemiosmotic]] coupling in the membranes of a [[mitochondrion]]
  • RNA replicase]].
  • The Breslow catalytic cycle for formaldehyde dimerization and C2-C6 sugar formation
  • asymmetric]], and occur in living systems in only one of the two possible forms, in the case of [[amino acid]]s the left-handed form. Prebiotic chemistry would produce both forms, creating a puzzle for abiogenesis researchers.<ref name="Plasson2007"/>
  • Early cell powered by external proton gradient near a deep-sea hydrothermal vent. As long as the membrane (or passive ion channels within it) is permeable to protons, the mechanism can function without ion pumps.<ref name="Lane 2015"/>
  • inheritance]].<ref name="NASA strategy 2015"/>
  • The [[Cat's Paw Nebula]] is inside the [[Milky Way Galaxy]], in the [[constellation]] [[Scorpius]].<br/>Green areas show regions where radiation from hot stars collided with large molecules and small dust grains called "[[polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon]]s" (PAHs), causing them to [[fluoresce]]. [[Spitzer Space Telescope]], 2018
  • The three main structures composed of [[phospholipid]]s form spontaneously by [[self-assembly]] in solution: the [[liposome]] (a closed bilayer), the [[micelle]] and the bilayer.
Origin of life; Origin of Life; Primordial sea; Origins of life; Biopoiesis; Biopoesis; How Life Began; The origin of life; Primordial cell; Life origin; Life origins; Generatio spontanea; Primeval soup; Dawn of life; Primitive soup; Origin of life (science); Abiogensis; Cradle of life; Abiogenisis; The begining of life; The beginning of life; Probiotic soup; Prebiotic evolution; Prebiotic chemistry; The Origins of Life; Beginning of life; On the origin of life; Origins-of-life research; Precellular evolution; Prebiotic (chemistry); Early Earth Chemistry; Lipid world; Abiogenesis and Biogenesis; Abiotic genesis; Haldane-Oparin hypothesis; Origin of life on Earth; Life's origins; Development of life; Origins of Life; Ambiogenesis; OoL; The origins of life; The origin of life on Earth; Pre-biotic chemistry; OriginOfLife; Origin of the Life on Earth; Origin Of Life; Terrestrial abiogenesis; Prebiotic molecules

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происхождение жизни


Object-Oriented Language (Reference: OOP)


Examples of use of OOL
1. Tuva‘s governor, Sherig–Ool Oorzhak, topped United Russia‘s ticket in the October elections.
2. The head of Tuva‘s Tibet Friendship Society, local politician Ulyana Opei–ool, said from Kyzyl that the society would not organize any protests to avoid exacerbating the situation.
3. Sherig–Ool Oorzhak, president of the republic of Tuva, and Buryat leader Leonid Potapov are the most likely candidates for the ax in 2007, analysts say.
4. Sverdlovsk Governor Eduard Rossel and Sherig–ool Oorzhak, president of the republic of Tuva, said the party would win 60 percent and 80 percent of the vote, respectively, in their regions.
5. Email the Opinion Page Editor In the next few days, President Vladimir Putin is expected to nominate a new president for the republic of Tuva, as the term of the incumbent, Sherig–ool Oorzhaka, is just about up.
What is the Russian for OOL? Translation of &#39OOL&#39 to Russian